
Illegal drugs are illegal! The use of illicit substances is strictly forbidden within the medical school. You using them can jeopardise the Bar, Students’ Union, and all things that you will hold close to your hearts over your time at Georges. Use on School premises can lead to a life time ban from the Students’ Union facilities and possible involvement of the authorities.

The Institution regards the use or dealing of drugs as a possible reason for expulsion from your course. Having said this, they are willing to advise and support any student who seeks help for their substance abuse. If you ever find yourself needing help, do not hesitate to seek it - the counsellors can advise you, as can occupational health so that you can find a way to resolve your problems.


Often considered a ‘safe’ drug in the past, the dangers of cannabis are becoming clearer over time, and it has been shown that there is a significant link with its use and the onset of psychosis. If you or someone you know does use this drug, keep an eye out and be careful.

The best advice, if you must use drugs, is not to bring them anywhere near the medical school.

Certainly the student union has no desire to dictate to its members how they should conduct their lives in private. You are all highly intelligent adults, if you weren’t you wouldn’t be here reading this.

The Students’ Union does not want to patronise you by telling you everything you (hopefully) already know about the dangers of drug taking etc. Make your own choices. Never allow yourself to be pressured into anything and if you do choose to use, make sure you know the score.

Fact File


These include cocaine, crack, ecstasy, heroin, LSD and magic mushrooms (when they are prepared). They are the most harmful drugs and carry the heaviest penalties. It is illegal to have, give away or deal in Class A drugs.
Maximum penalties:
Possession: 7 years in jail plus an unlimited fine
Supplying/Dealing: Life imprisonment plus an unlimited fine
Possession with intent to supply: Life imprisonment plus an unlimited fine.


These include speed (amphetamines) and cannabis. Any Class B drug prepared for injection will be treated as Class A. It is illegal to have, give away or deal in Class B drugs, and to grow cannabis plants.
Maximum penalties:
Possession: 5 years in jail plus an unlimited fine
Supplying/Dealing: 14 years in jail plus an unlimited fine
Possession with intent to supply: 14 years in jail plus an unlimited fine.


These include GHB, anabolic steroids and tranquillisers. It is illegal to have, give away or deal in Class C drugs.
Maximum penalties:
Possession: 2 years in jail plus an unlimited fine
Supplying/Dealing: 14 years in jail plus an unlimited fine
Possession with intent to supply: 14 years in jail plus an unlimited fine.